New Advanced Core Consulting Office Trailblazing Defense Computer Technologies
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North Charleston, SC-based Advanced Core Technologies is developing algorithmic technologies for the US Defense, which hold potentially breakthrough applications in energy, defense and transportation; Lowcountry Innovation Center office was aided by matching fund SC Launch!, South Carolina Research Authority
North Charleston, SC (May 24, 2010) -- Advanced Core Technologies, a North Charleston, SC based defense contractor, announced today it has opened a research office for developing advanced computer algorithms in the Lowcountry Innovation Center at the Navy Yard. Advanced Core recently completed Phase 1 of a Missile Defense Agency-Small Business Innovation Research grant of $100,000, which was matched by the South Carolina Research Authority's SC Launch! program as part of regional efforts in support of the Pentagon's SPAWAR complex in North Charleston.
"Phase 1 was successful, proving that the concept works," explains Dave Domingue, CEO for Advanced Core. We're now entering Phase 2, a one million dollar endeavor which is delivery of the actual product from research; Phase 3 is producing actual commercial applications for the research."
Advanced Core's algorithmic research has potential impact in developing new transportation technologies for highway safety and energy conservation and renewal, with virtually unlimited applications in missile defense, weapons systems, computer networks and military intelligence for the Department of Defense.
In computer science, an algorithm is an effective method for solving problems expressed as a finite sequence of instructions. Algorithmic research at Advanced Core is a building block to creating computers and robotics products that can adapt to their environment, a major component of the long-anticipated computer platforms that mimic real-time decisions made by human beings.
"Basically, it's researching a form of algorithmic, artificial intelligence that is seen in science fiction movies like I, Robot, and 2001: A Space Odyssey," adds Domingue. "Machines can take actions based on environmental input, without the intervention of a human operator. This enables an emphasis on more important decisions by humans, allowing machines to take care of immediate, often mundane decisions."
Advanced Core Technologies is closely aligned with their affiliate company, Advanced Core Consulting, a Warner Robins, GA-based company. Advanced Core Consulting has two separate divisions, Advanced Core Concepts and Doulos Productions under the parent company. In addition to the Advanced Core Company's Warner Robins and North Charleston offices, an office is located in Huntsville, AL. Overall, the Company employs 92 knowledge-industry workers and researchers, and continues to grow.
In 2010, Domingue says that the Lowcountry Innovation Center location will add 2-to-3 technology positions, in an office that currently employs 4. The Company's client base includes NASA, Team Robins, Raytheon, Advanced Technology through Collaboration, in addition to the Missile Defense Industry.
He added that Advanced Core's goal is to make technologies available for the Defense Department in a span of 5 to 10 years, when a 'natural' process of input from different researchers might take up to 20 years to produce the same result in product research and applications.
"Our goal is to become a Research and Development house for advanced algorithmic research on energy, transportation and the defense industry," adds Domingue. "We'll establish small offices as research cells aligned with SPAWAR and the Department of Defense, developing a national supply chain for private corporations in areas like energy conservation."
The Company is also working to better align government R&D funds to save on taxpayer investment, and produce more applications that can be developed for commercial products. One projected area is developing an automated highway system in America in the coming decades, which makes roads safer, and produces vehicles that run on shared energy systems, outmoding fossil fuels.
Mayor R. Keith Summey of North Charleston commented on Advanced Core Consulting, saying, "Companies like Advance Core Technologies are the wave of the future for the Lowcountry economy. With the building of the Boeing Aircraft Dreamliner plant and the Clemson wind turbine testing facility, North Charleston is quickly emerging as a major global player in research and development. The good news is that, as we reach a critical mass of technology companies, we'll be a national leader in creating high paying jobs."
Locating in North Charleston was also a plus, with the Lowcountry Innovation Center's focus on a creative, collaborative work environment. "What's so great about the LIC is that we have other knowledge industry workers in an open environment to new ideas and perspectives," concludes Domingue. "There's a synergy here that is unequaled; although everyone has a different skill set, there's the same collaborative mentality."
A Louisiana native and Georgia Tech graduate, Domingue is enamored with the Lowcountry. "This is a great area, and even with the national downturn in the economy, the momentum towards a tremendous future is here," concludes Domingue.
For more information on Advanced Core Technologies or Advanced Core Consulting, please go to the above web sites, or contact Dave Domingue or Keith West at the above numbers.
Dave Domingue 478-923-9041 (desk) 478-397-2806 (mobile)
Keith F. West 843-556-4905 (desk) 843-830-0797 (mobile)
Advanced Core Technologies