Charleston Learning Center
The Entrepreneur's Legal Essentials
Feb 12, 5:00PM - Feb 12, 7:30PM
Charleston Digital engages in a range of business, social and education related programs and events to continually nurture our vibrant tech community.
Expanding Charleston’s technical talent pool through the Charleston Learning Center, which offers pragmatic, affordable, and inclusive tech & business classes for Charleston residents of all ages.
Review our most recent annual wage surveys, which determine the average wages in Charleston tech.
CharlestonWorks™ is a directory and map of known tech and tech-related companies in Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston's tech economy accounts for five-percent of the total regional economy and is the fastest growing sector.
Ignite Digital is a team of agile, effective leaders deploying proven methodologies and digital solutions for national security clients to ignite business transformation.
Video production agency specializing in ads, brand films, documentaries & content strategy to captivate and grow your audience.
Instructional Designer | Career Services with experience in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, Workforce Development, Career Advising, Training, Curriculum Design, Project Management, Learning Management Systems, Adult Education, Lesson Planning, Microsoft Office, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), elearning.
In addition to directly assisting companies with their talent needs, Charleston Digital maintains an up-to-date list of talent agencies operating in the Charleston Region.
Catch Talent is a high-touch recruiting agency that delivers end-to-end talent acquisition solutions to growing technology, digital media, and professional services companies.
Loop is a strategic recruiting and human resource advisory firm offering contract and permanent placement resources as well as systems consulting services to clients across varied markets and industries.