CDC Learning Center Introduces Artificial Intelligence (AI) Class for Students
Press Release

CDC Learning Center community classroom
The CDC Learning Center is pleased to announce the expansion of its Artificial Intelligence (AI) series to include a class for middle to high school students. The AI for Students class and subsequent classes targeted to students will be held on Saturdays throughout the year with the first class scheduled on January 13, 2024. There will also be classes offered during the week for student field trips and by special appointment.
Topics to be covered in the AI for Students class include - understanding the basics of AI such as ChatGPT; using AI platforms safely; ethical considerations; capabilities and limitations; and creative exploration to generate stories, poems, and fun questions.
"Of all the tech innovations we have seen over the years, AI is being adopted in the workplace at a much faster rate. Anticipating that students are just a few years from joining the workforce, it is important for them to understand and leverage this 21st century tool to enhance their problem-solving and critical thinking skills," said Charleston Digital Corridor Director, Ernest Andrade.
"These skills are essential for success in the 21st century and can only be developed through hands-on experience with AI tools and applications, something that we will do at the CDC Learning Center on a year-round basis."
Registration for the first AI for Students class is open. Learn more and register HERE.